Your Guide to Shop Safely at MR.DIY
With the announcement of the recent Movement Control Order, It’s important to adhere to the SOPs now more than ever. To ensure that everyone continues stay safe while shopping for their essentials at MR.DIY stores, here is a guide on how to shop safely at MR.DIY:

Always Wear Face Masks

Before heading to the store, please ensure that you are wearing face masks at all times. Face masks not only help to protect others, but it also helps to protect you from any airborne particles to reduce the risk of COVID-19.

Practice Social Distancing

To ensure that customers remember to maintain social distancing – especially in lines at the entrance of the store and also at the cashiers, MR.DIY has put up signages as well as floor markers to make it easier for customers to remember.

Use Our Regularly Sanitised Baskets and Trolleys

Please be informed that our store assistants regularly clean and sanitize all our baskets, trolleys, store areas as well as any surface areas that often come in contact with people so that it is ready to be used by the next customer.

As the pandemic situation continues to develop, MR.DIY will continue to listen to advice from medical experts, associates and customers, and consider how we can best serve people while helping to slow the spread of the virus. The health and safety of our employees and customers are what matters the most.