MR.DIY CSR: 250 Families Lembah Pantai
MR.DIY contributed 250 hygiene packs containing 3-ply face masks & hand sanitizers during the Lembah Pantai Merdeka Charity 2021 on 31 August 2021. 250 families in PPR Lembah Pantai benefitted from this aid.
We are halfway through the year and the nation's battle against the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Let us all unite, play our respective part, adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures, and be part of the continuous effort to help our country bring down the high number of positive COVID-19 cases.

'Lindungi Diri, Lindungi Semua' at all time.

#mrdiy #alwayslowprices #mrdiycares #kitajagakita #lindungdirilindungsemua